Episode 7 – What The Fantasyland?

Hiya Mouseketeers. Episode 7 is a rollercoaster of emotion, it will leave you wondering (WTF?!) What the Fantasyland?!.. is going on at Disney Parks. Tune in while we cover:

  • Losing a Legend – Russi Taylor’s passing
  • Being a Childless Millennial at the Happiest Place on Earth
  • What’s up with the viral Disney Fay-Mouse (sound it out) Trap?
  • Dress code for the Disney bus to make its wheels go round and round.


Hi Mouseketeers, it’s Erika here! We hope you enjoy the show. Some of the topics we covered on this episode really had Susanne and I scratching our heads. In the episode, we promise you the photo of the woman on the bus who is in a precarious state of undress, but one thing you learn when you are doing a podcast is that your voice and your words can impact others. Because of this, we thought it best to not circulate that photo out in the world, it’s bad enough that it is circulating through Disney facebook groups.

Although we hope you know we are discussing these controversial topics all in good fun, and that we aren’t vicious or mean people, we recognize that some people may choose not to hear it that way when they listen and will create a false narrative about who we are and what we are about.

We want to assure you that the things we talk about aren’t meant to hurt anyone, or shame anyone. We talk about what we see and read online, and we really do try to keep it 100% real, but we are serious when we ask that those listening try and do better by others. In our day to day lives, we believe that the power of kindness really does matter.

Susanne and I speak from a place where we have experienced some Disney folks who promote their brand as one of “kindness” being less than kind when speaking about others, and we, unfortunately, fell into that trap for far too long. We don’t want to go down that road again. So expect kindness from us, but we are also keeping it real.